
Subjects list

  1. Mathematics Experience
    1. Number Recognition
    2. Counting
    3. Writing
    4. Tracing/Mathematics Readiness
  2. Language Arts
    1. Alphabet Writing
    2. Tracing/Reading Readiness
    3. Communication
    4. Phonics
    5. Words Recognition Skill
    6. Social Studies
    7. Science
    8. Bible
    9. Physical Education
  3. Arts and Music
    1. Identifying Colors
    2. Coloring
    3. Painting and Drawing
    4. Singing and Rhymes
    5. Listening and Concentration
    6. Play Habits


Subjects list

  1. Christian Studies
  2. English
  3. Reading
  4. Spelling
  5. French
  6. Arithmetic
  7. Science/Health
  8. Geometry
  9. Handwriting
  10. Social Studies
  11. Speech/Phonics
  12. Physical Education
  13. Computer
  14. Arts/Drawing

Junior High

Subjects list

  1. Christian Studies
  2. English
  3. Literature
  4. Vocabylary
  5. French
  6. Algeria
  7. General Science
  8. Geometry
  9. Civics
  10. History
  11. Geography
  12. Physical Education
  13. Computer
  14. Agriculture

Senior High

Subjects list

  1. Christian Studies
  2. English
  3. Literature
  4. Economics
  5. French
  6. Algeria
  7. Biology
  8. Chemistry
  9. Physics
  10. History
  11. Geography
  12. ROTC
  13. Computer
  14. Trigonometry